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Who We Are

The Friends of the Peterborough Public Library (FOL) is a group of dedicated volunteers who give their time to sort through used books donated by the community.

What We Do

Some volunteers meet weekly to collect and sort donated materials to prepare them for the semi-annual book sales. Money raised at these sales and from the Lobby Shop is donated to the library to support collections, programs and services not covered by the operating budget.

Where the Money Goes

Since its inception, the Friends of the Peterborough Public Library has donated over $750,000 to your library!

The donated funds support programming and outreach, such as One Book, One Ptbo, Summer Reading Challenge for Kids, Teen Book Club, Nintendo gaming supplies, and the Book Bike. Funds are used to enhance the physical environment, including artwork for the Downie-Wenjack Legacy space, a new digital screen, the aquarium in the Children’s Area and the new outdoor chess and checkers tables that will be installed in March.

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