Choose from the options below or email Room Rentals if you do not see your preferred setup listed. When you have chosen your style, fill out the request a room form to book a room.

icon showing chairs arranged around a table


Rectangular tables arranged together to create a single large table with chairs all around the outside facing the center of the tables.

Available in Multipurpose Room and FOL Community Room

 icon showing rows of tables and chairs


Rows of rectangular tables with chairs arranged so that all participants are facing towards the front of the room.

Available in Multipurpose Room and FOL Community Room

 icon showing rows of chairs


Rows of chairs (no tables) arranged so that all participants are facing towards the front of the room.

Available in Multipurpose Room and FOL Community Room

icon showing round tables and chairs


Round tables arranged throughout the room with participants seated around the entire perimeter of each table.

Available in FOL Community Room only

 icon showing round tables and chairs facing front

Half Moon

Round tables arranged throughout the room with participants seated around half of the table so that they are all facing the front of the room.

Available in FOL Community Room only

icon showing U shape tables and chairs

U Shape

Rectangular tables arranged in a large U with open space in the middle. Participants are seated around the outside facing the center of the U.

Available in Multipurpose Room and FOL Community Room

 icon showing square table with chairs

Hollow Square

Rectangular tables arranged in a square with chairs along the outside facing an empty center.

Available in Multipurpose Room and FOL Community Room