Comics Plus is provided through cloudLibrary and Library Pass. With Comics Plus you'll be able to access a wide collection of comics, graphic novels, and Manga!

Get started on a device

  1. Download the app from the app store logoApp Store or the Google Play Store iconGoogle Play Store
  2. Open the app and tap Get Started
  3. From here you will search for the Peterborough Public Library and choose the collection that best fits you
  4. Enter your Library Card number and PIN and tap Log In

In the future you can also tap the Comics tile on the home page in cloudLibrary and you will be taken directly to Library Pass.

Get Started on a computer

    1.  Access Comics Plus on your computer

    2. Search for the Peterborough Public Library and choose the collection that best fits you
    3. Enter your library card number and PIN and click Log in
Need some Help?


    • Be sure that your internet is working
    • Check that you have no library membership account issues, such as fees owing, or an expired membership requiring renewal
    • Log out of app, shut down device completely, reboot device, and then re log in to the app. This should accommodate any necessary application updates
    • Ensure your operating system and/or device are not out of date or unable to support the app
    • Uninstall app and reinstall app, followed by a restart of your device